Masturbation Toys For Women - Vibrators

Female Masturbation
Masturbation for women is more than just a way to achieve sexual gratification, as it calls for self knowledge, giving each woman the opportunity to discover which kind of stimulation she likes best. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that every woman should always face masturbation as some sort of scientific exploration in quest for the perfect orgasm. Masturbation is meant to be fun, to make you feel good, and thus relief sexual tension. Today, we have this multitude of sexual toys available at the tip of our fingers. We’re able to shop for a sexual toy at the same time we are sending our mother an e-mail or paying an o­nline bill. Every week the sex- industry comes up with some novelty, as all things in sex people really know how to be very inventive. Besides, buying yourself a toy and learning how to use it may be such a funny experience alike and a way to discover new sensations. o­n this first part of our article, let’s take a look o­n some of the most popular and interesting as in funny different types of vibrating toys.
Vibrators are possibly the most popular types of toy available. They induce sexual pleasure by a vibratory mechanism that can be used o­n vaginal or clitoral stimulation (although most women prefer vibrators to clitoral stimulation). There are electric and battery operated vibrators, and they come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors. If using an electric vibrator, your movements will be limited by the length of the cord, but depending of how much fun you’ll have, you may wind up wasting money o­n extra batteries for a battery operated vibrator.

Waterproof Vibrators - Masturbating in the
bathtub or while you're taking a shower may feel really great. But instead
of using the old and due boring shower head, try o­ne of the waterproof vibrators
available. They're sometimes come disguised as cute water toys such as a
rubber duck, or even bath sponges and hairbrushes. They're perfectly safe
underwater (so much so the divers) and are possibly the best explanation
for our partners' all-time question "why women take so long in the

Hand-free Vibrators (Butterflies)
- We're constantly surrounded by automatic
devices as in remote controls and wireless-stuff. Can't we employ, too,
such gadgetry for sexual pleasure? Hand-free vibrators come generally in
butterfly or flower-shaped with elastic straps to keep in place. Some of
them are just regular battery operated clitoral vibrators, but the most
interesting are the remote controlled butterflies. You can give the remote
control to your partner and he in turn may activate it any time he feels
like, during a business meeting or lunch for example (there are models that
work at a range of up to 20 feet). There are also programmable o­nes, which
start vibrating at any given time. You can set to come o­n while you're sleeping
or even randomly during the day. It's important to say that most models
of remotely controlled vibrators are designed to be extremely silent for
obvious reasons, you won't have to worry about blaming your cell phone.
There's also an interesting vibrating-panty, with a mini vibrator attached
that can be activated from as far as 15" away.

The Audi-Oh Butterfly Vibe - This is the
must-have of hand free vibrators, and it deserves its own paragraph. He
may look like a regular butterfly at first but it actually vibrates responding
to the beat of music! It comes with a pager-shaped device for outdoor using
or you can plug it in your regular stereo at home as well. This little thing
came to give jogging a whole new meaning.
The Hitachi Magic Wand - This is perhaps the most popular
vibrator up to date. Referred as "the Cadillac of vibrators",
it's symmetrical shaped, has two options of speed, spongy head, and it's
o­ne of the best options for clitoral stimulation.
The Rabbit Habit - This baby became very famous after
being mentioned a lot of times o­n the sitcom Sex & The City and it does
practically everything. It has a twirling shaft that's excellent for G-spot
stimulation, and a larger base that stimulates the vaginal opening by rotation.
At the same time, the "rabbit" stimulates the clitoris by a fluttering
movement. If that's not enough for you, it has also different options of
combinatory speed for each o­ne of the pieces. This is o­ne of women's all-time
There are also vibrators that run o­n solar power, vibrators designed to tighten the PC musculature, iridescent vibrators, micro vibrators, lipstick-like vibrators, and practically everything you may even believe so much for men.

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