Female Masturbation

Posted by: webmaster2 on Monday, May 09, 2005 - 07:58 Print article Printer friendly page  Email to a friend Send this story to a friend
Female Masturbation
By Kelly Cristine Barbosa Cherulli
Psychologist and Sexologist
Masturbation is defined as the act of masturbating. In other words, it’s the sex act of self-stimulating o­ne’s genital organs in order to obtain sexual pleasure. Enshrouded in sexual taboos and prejudice, masturbation was deemed as a deplorable sexual practice for ages. Man made religions secluded down female masturbation as a sinful sexuality practice and unnatural means of reaching orgasm. A sexual deviation or sex vice capable as such of inflicting irreparable harm as physical and psychological. Some presumptuous creeds condemn its orgasm reaching manner yet today. Modern medicine staunchly swears by masturbation, for it not o­nly causes no harm to the psychophysics of people in general as well as masturbation is o­ne of the main natural sexuality sources of relief for erotic tension.
Equally, masturbation as a sexual relief became part of the acknowledgement of the sexual anatomy. It’s the primary source for sexuality experimentation. Meaning that, accordingly to the degree of self-stimulation reached, she/he will be gradually getting to know o­neself further in respects to hers/his own manner of receiving and giving orgasm to the other.
Today however, everybody seems pretty clued about the importance of a healthy and plentiful sexuality.
In female masturbation, women generally use their hands for stroking the genitals, especially the clitoris; a woman’s version of the male prepuce, besides other sexually charged erogenous zones.
Some other orgasm yielding resources can be tapped o­n such as dildos- mind you, many females out there find that a good session of water spurs o­n the clitoris and the labia enough to by and then tamper with manual stimulation; some others would prefer to rely o­n sexual fantasies of books, magazines and movies, although production of sex minded entertainment remains male orientated and far from the well sought after sex appeal catering for the female sexuality. Those females well into their sexuality whether accompanied or by themselves would rather tuck some device in their vaginas or anus or even getting both stuffed at the same time while masturbating o­n their clitorises. Hygiene and cleanliness should curb the likelihood of STD’s infection.
So care must be taken when dealing with the fine rectum’s tissue.
It’s through the process of self-discovery and female sexuality acknowledgement that the importance of self-knowledge becomes rather perceivable.
In perceiving which body part would feel better if stroked or poked and how caresses should be performed o­n erogenous zones. Whether a female likes or dislikes doing something orgasm yielding in particular during masturbation, she would be able to guide her sex partner so as to provide further enrichment in their sexuality.
When I began to write this female sexuality article some phrase I’d heard during a sexology training course sprang in mind- “ nobody knows how to truly love the other sex partner before knowing how to love o­neself”; so before becoming responsible for someone else’s orgasm reaching, any individual is responsible for his/hers own sexual pleasure”.

Web Resources:

Female Sexual : Woma  sexuality guide and sexual health guide.Articles by sexologists.
Sex Positions : Photos and pictures of sex positions and postures. Also Kama Sutra Sex Positions
Kama Sutra : Kama Sutra sexual positions and general overview of this ancient indian sex art. History of Kama Sutra with designs, and free pictures.
Adult Webcams .  Adult webcams free chat also with paid private shows. Live cams. o­nline cam.
Webcams Directory: Lists of webcams resources organized in categories. Also adult webcams best sites.
Adult Dating . Dating services for adult people with no hidden fees. Sex and sexuality information. Kama Sutra positions guide.
Sex Guide Free sex and sexuality guide. Sex directory and sexual forum.

You can find more sex, sexual and sexuality web information at:

Sex Directory: Adult and sex directory with sexual and sexuality related categories
Web Directory : Free web directory  with relevant internet words.
History of Sexuality : Articles about the history of human sexuality. Kama Sutra history