by Anne Griza
Before considering the female orgasm as a merely biological question, it's important that there would be thought of it as cultural and psychological question. Not so long ago, to feel pleasure was deemed sinful for women. Sex would be good only for men or for prostitutes. With the feminine liberation of the sixties', the woman could finally get the rights of feeling sexual pleasure. That can happen by biological matters and by matters of psychological rebound.
During sexual relation, a woman can induce only one orgasm or various small orgasms. The biological orgasm is though defined as a vaginal contraction during a short period and the sudden feeling of intense pleasure. However, the biological matter is secondary when it comes to female orgasms.
For a woman, the set up partner/stimulation/moment is crucial for her to reach sex climax even in masturbation. A partner is so important whether in affective terms as in performance. There are women who have difficulty in reaching orgasm when not totally affectively involved with their partners; others don't have such problem, but if a partner doesn't know how to satisfy a woman in her needs and sexual desires, a great deal of pleasure of their relation is then lost. There shouldn't be forgotten that a couple composes a sexual relation, if they aren't in harmony, one may come out less satisfied.
Stimulation is directly linked to what the partner offers, but also linked to what the woman knows of herself and the capacity that she posses of fantasizing, so much for masturbation.
Masturbation is imperative for such self-awareness, and to be able to ditch feelings that inhibit pleasure at sex time ends up by enabling the woman to let herself in for the ultimate sex pleasure, even in masturbation.
Such feelings might be of distrust in her capacity of give and take sexual pleasure, of uncertainties with regard to relation established with the partner, of low self-esteem for not being pleased with herself or her figure.
Sex is also a question of moment, though it's known that when there are problems, the person has further difficulty in reaching orgasm even if masturbating.
When there are serious problems, the woman stands a bigger chance of not even inducing sexual rapport, likely to get frustrated by failing in reaching climax, unlikely to happen in masturbation.
To fake orgasm does not yield the sensation of caresses exchange that sexual relation is as a whole, hence, doesn't satisfy the woman.
Orgasm benefits the woman physically, soothing cramps for instance, and psychologically, with lowering stress and the sensation of satisfaction by the release of adrenaline.
It's ever so growing the number of men who concerns about the woman's pleasure, once she gets sexually satisfied so is he.
Mistaken is whoever thinks that only physical pleasure satisfies a man. Knowingly that his partner is sexually satisfied pleases the man as well.
There are two types of orgasm, the clitoral and the vaginal. Freud regarded the prime as part of evolution of the woman; however, she would have to abandon this type of orgasm for the vaginal, on which point meaning the female sexual maturity. To these days and age, it's known that the vast majority of women have only clitoral orgasm and that doesn't mean immaturity. The most important thing is to feel pleasure, being sexually satisfied and being able to exchange caresses with the partner or dream of it as of masturbation.
Orgasm means delight; it's all the string of sensations and sentiments that take place during sex.
It's paramount to the woman to feel wholesome, and if it's not happening, it's good that she seeks help to come to terms with any difficulty that hampers her from taken the most out of such unique sensation and with no substitutes ever.
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